Healing & Prayer

Grief Ministry

When we lose a loved one, we grieve. Grief is our love persevering through loss, and it can be very difficult to manage the overwhelming emotion that we feel. Our Parish invites those experiencing grief to share in the support, compassion, and understanding through our Group Support Ministry.
Through prayer, sharing, and small group discussions you can find the tools you need to help sustain and comfort you on your grief journey – and to know the support of your parish family and community.

These are open sessions, which means you can join for one or all of the meetings throughout the session.

If you would like to have someone visit you in your home to provide grief support or Holy Communion – or if have any pastoral care ministry questions, please contact the parish office at 651-426-3245.

Prayer Requests

Cenacle Prayer Team – Confidential prayer requests given to prayer team that meets weekly on Wednesday’s.  Prayer team will pray for 7 days on the request. There are prayer request boxes at each entrance of the church that you may write in your request and drop it in the box or you can submit a request (click here).

Special Novenas – If you would like to join our St Jude Community in praying the Divine Mercy Novena, Holy Spirit Novena and St Jude Novena you can “Opt In” by clicking here. You will receive a daily morning email for nine days specifically designed for the special novena.

St. Jude Healing Novena – Public prayer for healing of body and/or mind.  Nine days of prayer to St. Jude for his intercession to Jesus for healing. Anyone can request themselves or another person to be included in the Healing Novena prayer, with the persons permission.  Healing is needed in many forms; injury, illness, cancer, divorce, death/widowed, depression, drugs, etc.  St. Jude is the Patron of our Parish and known as the Patron Saint of Lost Causes and Hope.  St. Jude was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and his Feast Day is October 28th.  Many miracles have been attributed to the intercession of Saint Jude to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Novena prayer requests will be gathered until the 12th of each month.  Any requests received after the 12th will be included in the next month. To have your prayer request included in the monthly novena, fill out the form below. 

If you have an immediate prayer request that cannot wait until the 20th of the month, please click here.

Each month the Novena begins on the 20th. If You wish to receive a daily email you can “Opt In” to participate in the Novena Prayers for those that need healing.

If you want to participate by receiving the healing novena emails click here to “Opt In”.

Fill out the form below to submit your prayer request.