Liturgical Support


The Word of God becomes a transforming influence in the life our parishioners. Lectors help them receive that Word by proclaiming the first two readings and the Prayers of the Faithful at each Sunday Mass and on Holy Days on a rotating schedule. We provide training and a Workbook with all the readings for each Mass to use for meditation and practice. Frequency: Approximately, one mass every 3 months. Time required: 30 min. training, Prep 30 – 60 min before mass, and reading during Masses.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Help children in grades K-4 understand and engage with the Sunday readings during weekend Masses all year round. Frequency: once per week on Sundays during 9:00 or 11:00 a.m. Masses Time required: ½ hr. preparation and ½ hr. leading during Mass time.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Distribute Communion at Mass on a rotating schedule. Training is provided. Frequency: 1 month every 3 months. Time required: 45 min training, serving at mass.

Altar Server

Serve a scheduled Mass and assist Father as needed on a rotating schedule. Going into 5th grade & up. Training is provided. Frequency: One Mass time assigned for a month every 3 months. Time required: 1 hr., 15 min.


Welcome worshipers and assist with other needs before, during and after weekend Masses. Open to youth and adults; schedules vary. Training is provided. Frequency: 1 month every 3 months. Time required: One time 30 minutes of training, then ushering at Mass.

Worship Environment

Create a visual environment for worship according to the liturgical season. Anyone interested in flower arrangement, plant care, sewing, or design is welcome. Frequency: 10 – 12 events/changes each liturgical year. Time required: 1 – 4 hours per liturgical season.

St Jude #rockstars

Adult heavy-lifters are needed to assist liturgist with special liturgical events like Healing Masses, Stations of the Cross, and some new ideas. Frequency: varies. Time Required: varies.