
Have any questions about Confirmation? I would love to chat with you!

Ryan Scherber, Confirmation & Young Adult Coordinator

651-426-3245, ext 233

Family Requirements for Confirmation

Our sacramental program is family-oriented. As the primary educator of your child, a parent’s faith journey is important to us. As we only see your children for less than 24 hours of instruction time/year, you get most of the deep questions of the faith. We are here to support and encourage parents on their faith journey.

Confirmation Registration and Information Night:

Parents: Mark your calendar for the Mandatory Parent Meeting on October 11th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.

If you are unable to attend this meeting please contact Ryan Scherber to arrange a meeting date.

All families must Register with FLOCKNOTE and opt-in to the Confirmation distribution list. To sign up for FLOCKNOTE (no charge) simply text sjotl to 84576 or go to

Family Expectations: 

Parents will:

  • Attend the Parent Meeting or meet with Christina Malloy before class begins
  • Make sure students are attending all sessions, doing makeup work if they miss a session, communicating needed information to students, and that their child attends the Confirmation retreat.
  • Attend the final class of the year, May 8th  from 4:15 – 5:30 pm.

The student will:

  • be in the 8th grade or high school grades
  • be open to the faith and teachings of the Magisterium
  • attend Sunday Mass – when the obligation to attend Mass.
  • complete the requirements for Confirmation.
  • complete the Sponsor activities with their sponsor

Confirmation focus

The focus of our Confirmation is to bring students into a deeper relationship with Our Lord and his Church. We use a “small group” model where all students are assigned to a small group (6-8 students of a single gender.) Parent volunteers and St. John Vianney students at the University of St. Thomas will lead the small groups.

We teach an opening topic/video, then break into small groups and discuss the content. Parents receive the link to the videos, car questions, and other pertinent information before class so that they also know what we are teaching.

If a student misses a class, the student will be expected to make up the work. Contact Ryan for instructions.

Confirmation Sponsors

Sponsors play a huge role under Archbishop Hebda’s leadership in the Archdiocese, and we follow his lead.

Sponsors’ requirements are to attend the following:

  • Sunday, May 5th: Rite of Sending at St. Jude of the Lake
  • Tuesday, May 7th: Sponsor Retreat at St. Jude of the Lake 
  • Wednesday, May 8th Confirmand’s last class (this is optional)
  • Thursday, May 9th: Confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Paul

In addition, sponsors meet with their students throughout the year and work together on a faith journey. The Friday night portion of the Confirmation Retreat will be geared toward the sponsor-candidate requirements.