Youth Ministry

Eucharistic Congress 2024

10th National Eucharistic Congress 2024 – Youth


St. Pius X & St. Jude High School Youth
July 16 – 21, 2024
Indianapolis, IN

Cost of the trip: $400 registration fee + 8 meals on own during trip

  • This covers conference entrance tickets, transportation, housing, t-shirt, and some meals.
  • Students will need to purchase 4 lunches & 4 dinners on their own while at the conference (not covered in this fee).

Registration Deadline: February 29th

  • Online form & $50 non-refundable deposit due


  • The actual cost of the trip is closer to $800 per participant.  In order to keep costs reasonable and allow youth to attend, we will work to do fundraising for the funds needed above the registration fee.
  • Each student is required to help with fundraising events leading up to the trip!! 
  • Dates are TBD.

Extreme Faith Camp

Leadership Team

Leadership Team

The St. Jude of the Lake Leadership team is composed of high school juniors and seniors who have an active faith life and integrate this faith into their daily lives. The mission of the Leadership team is three-fold: (a) to deepen the faith life of the individual members; (b) to provide Catholic leadership training based on character development; (c) to provide opportunities for leadership in the Church.

Leadership models usually begin with an assessment of skills, gifts, and personality. Very few programs attempt development and formation of character as its basis. We aim for the latter model, namely that a Catholic leader is someone who understands the teaching of Jesus as the center of their life, created in the image and likeness of God, rather than simply a static personality or a skill set that someone learns. This means that faith and character are the foundation upon which skills are nurtured. Applications are available by invitation and below by clicking the button. 

Leadership opportunities include running Teen Zone during Cornfest, helping with confirmation retreat, teaching as a catechist, serving as a Eucharistic minister, lector, or usher, and other volunteer activities.

Contact Ryan Scherber


Discipleship Groups (D-Groups):

Do you want a solid group of friends to grow in your faith from now until you graduate high school? Do you miss your small group from Confirmation, want to form Authentic Friendships, and want a good support group of people who will all walk together in faith?

Discipleship groups (D-groups) consist of 5-7 friends (guys or girls – single-gender groups) of the same grade who gather on a regular basis to discuss life, grow in their faith, have fellowship, and seek support for the challenges and joys of their high school years. Meetings occur off-campus… in homes or coffee shops in the area! 

If you want to form your own group or want to be added to one, contact Ryan Scherber

Adults: D-groups are led by a trained adult volunteer (a “Mentor”) who will be using a YDisciple series. Parents are encouraged to host at least one session at their home – so that they can see how cool the information is and know what is going on in their child’s faith life. Men mentors are especially needed!

Check out to check out YDisciple.

Duc in Altum


Are you looking for a place to belong? Are you looking for community, friends, and to be with people that share the same faith as you?
What are you searching for? Who do you seek?
 “Duc in Altum” means “...into the deep,in Latin coming from when Jesus says to Simon Peter:  “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” This called Simon Peter to discover the depth of Jesus and His grace.
If you are a Freshman through Senior in High School, Duc in Altum is for you! 
Especially as we’re continuing to discover who we are as people, we also need each other to help us discover who God created us to be. 
So, come to Duc in Altum nights for greater community and a good time!
For updates or questions: contact Ryan Scherber