The Rescue Project

The Rescue Project seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. The goal of The Rescue Project is to create an opportunity for people to be overwhelmed and be brought to a decision to surrender their lives to Jesus and be mobilized for mission. 
It appeals to those who have been walking with Jesus for years, as well as those for whom Jesus is only a figure in ancient history. In other words, The Rescue Project is for everyone, everywhere, whether inside or outside of the Church.

The Rescue Project creates an opportunity for individuals to respond to all God has done for them and to surrender their lives to Jesus in faith through prayer, conversation, video presentation and worship. Throughout the series the Rescue Project we will explore four big questions as we all travel along our faith journeys.

Why is there something, rather than nothing?
Why is everything so messed up ?
What, if anything, has God done about it?
And if he’s done anything, how should I respond?

Mark your calendars for Fridays, February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 5, 11.

A meal will be served before each session. Starting March 7, you will also have the opportunity to go to Stations of the Cross at 5:00 pm, followed by the Lenten meal and then the sessions.

The schedule is: 5:00 pm Stations of the Cross, 5:30 pm our Lenten meal, and 6:15 pm the session.

There will be a retreat on April 5th. We encourage everyone to come!

We also encourage you to invite your friends and family who would like to know more about the gospel.

The cost to register is $20 (which includes materials). A meal will be provided for each session and we will be asking for a free will offering.

If you need help with the cost click here.